Motorsport at the Palace

Discussion in 'General Discussion' started by Mrs Majorhangover, May 16, 2012.

  1. If any of you are in the area or fancy a good day out this is the place to be ^-^

    High speed time trials around the old F1 track in the park, plenty of old cars on display (including Buses!) and a beautiful park to look round!

    There is a campsite literally up the road and enough bars and restaurants in Crystal Palace to please anyone 8)

    We're going but don't let that put you off ;D

    (Mods, please move if you think it needs it)
  2. Birdy

    Birdy Not Child Friendly

    What's the date love?? I'll be up for this too.
  3. It's next weekend!!!! Blimey, that came around fast!

    Would be great if you could, you'll love it! 8)
  4. I'll be there on Sunday....after a cracking breakfast at Little Palace Cafe :)
  5. I could well be toddling along to that too, I thought that it was the bank holiday weekend so I would be away camping but now I can sneak out of the house for a few hours as I doubt anyone else in the family will be interested!
  6. We're in Bristol or would have definitely been up for that :(

    (Although we do get to hang out with good mates and their kittens)
  9. Birdy

    Birdy Not Child Friendly

    Oh blast. It's over the Eurovision weekend and I'm away.
  10. ... I'm based in Beckenham and would had been well up for this but I've booked some archaeology for that weekend! Going to put it into the diary for next year though!
  11. Did anyone go to this today? I got roped in to refereeing five a sides at my sons school so I'll go tomorrow, just wondering how busy it was on such a lovely day?
  12. We're planning on going tomorrow but I bet it was a good turnout today what with the lovely weather.

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