mot pass

Discussion in 'General Discussion' started by kev, Feb 22, 2014.

  1. kev


    just been and picked the van up from mot and its sailed through that will do me for another year
  2. Happy days :thumbsup:, I've got to get mine booked in when I've finished the engine.
    kev likes this.
  3. Yahooooooo!
    kev likes this.
  4. Merlin Cat

    Merlin Cat Moderator

    Excellent :)
    kev likes this.
  5. nice one kev ,sailing is probably gona be a better option this year :thumbsup:
    kev likes this.
  6. Congratulations.
    kev likes this.
  7. Great news :chewie::chewie:
    kev likes this.
  8. Top banana:beer:
    kev likes this.
  9. Yey x

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