Minty 1975

Discussion in 'Restorations' started by Zoltan, Nov 18, 2013.

  1. My first foray as restoring a van, we bought Minty, sight unseen on the popular auction site so the first meeting was quite a baptism of fire. Rot wherever I looked. What did I expect? Probably exactly what I was seeing in front of me but somehow I had hoped for some kind of miracle.
    Still, having seen some of the other projects everyone is getting stuck into, she is far from dead


    That's probably enough rusty metal for one post. :)

    I was thinking to send her off for a complete sandblasting treatment straight away but now I think I will sand blast and repair sections at a time then get her a once over when all the major panel work is done.

    The rest of the horror show is here Bay madness?sort=3&page=1
    vdub brvs likes this.
  2. Your rust is the same as has been posted here many times!!!!!!!!!!!!.............Its fixable, good luck.
    Zoltan likes this.
  3. good luck fella !!! alot of hard work but some of the turn arounds u see on here are amazing !!
    Zoltan likes this.
  4. [​IMG]

    vdub brvs likes this.
  5. The Uaz will get a bit of light camperisation one day. The bigger truck is all kitted out, we use that for a skiing trip this year
    lost-en-france likes this.
  6. MorkC68

    MorkC68 Administrator

    good luck with the resto :thumbsup:
  7. :thumbsup: looking good - are you going to the work yourself?
  8. Welcome, looks like you have tackled a few interesting restos in the past.
    Sneaked a peek at your V8 works on "Photobucket" :oops:
  9. Good luck,hope you have fun!
  10. Poptop2

    Poptop2 Administrator

    I've seen worse :thumbsup:

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