Metal engine surround....not sure of the actual name but i NEEEED 1 URGENTLY...

Discussion in 'Late Bay Parts Classifieds' started by Tiny-Pie, Jul 18, 2012.

  1. [​IMG]

    the metal bit at the front that surrounds the engine and has something to do with heating/cooling..... think they're pretty hard to find... but i NEEEED 1 lol :)

    would appreciate any help at all...
  2. rickyrooo1

    rickyrooo1 Hanging round like a bad smell

  3. PIE


    Yea Tiny, the big piece of tin that you already have for a 1600 LB is the hard bit to get so don't loose it.
    If you want it I think I have one in me parts pile, will dig it out and see how good it is, are you in a rush?
  4. Kingfisher Kustoms do excellent fire retardant fibreglass reproductions (front and rear for £120) in they are black.

    Considering I have sold these for £150 and seen them for sale for £200 I would say the new reproduction is cracking value at £120.

    Google Kingfisher Kustoms website and look for their new products section -or just cal them (good guys)
  6. [​IMG]

    Does this help at all??

    Anyone know where i can get this?? i looked on Kingfisher kustoms but couldn't find it?

    mine's completely rotted apparently... so no good to put back in
  7. Zed

    Zed Gradually getting grumpier

    I have one for sale on my "for sale" thread. :)
  10. PIE


    Yea that bit is the rare bit, can't get em new,80 to 100 quid second hand unfortunately, sorry I have not got one of those :(
  11. PIE


  12. PIE


  13. Silver

    Silver Needs points/will pay!

  14. sorry just catching up... i've found 1 on ebay (the 1 that pie found too) so will watch that... and hopefully if not zeds will be available...

    mine was baaaad... tried patching up but not a chance... so hopefully can get 1 in decent condition... why doesn't someone make these rare items??
  16. Hi Tiny did you get that tin wear of off eBay? I was watching it cos I could do with a new one... Mines been modified by a PO..... I didn't bid on it though cos I knew your need was greater than mine. ;)

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