Merry Christmas from the SMG!!!

Discussion in 'General Discussion' started by Diddymen, Dec 19, 2012.

  1. I know its a little early still ........but merry Christmas to all TLB'ers ........especially those in the SMG ;D

    for the newer members of the forum, the SMG is the elite TLB spin off (Static Motion Group).......for those of us unlucky enough, whos busses are not road worthy .....yet!!......official clothing available from the TLB shop ^-^

    So raise a glass to all those undertaking a restoration .......and down a few shots for those who are doing theirs outdoors!!!

    for those of you in cold garages, sheds, outbuildings, and those of you under tarpulins or make shift shelters.......and especially those of you outside, welding in the rain - I salute you.

    Dont loose faith, I hope many of you who are nearly completed get your vans on the road next year, and new starters I hope you progress yours well.

    from this....


    to this.......


    ..........has only taken me 3 years ; far ;D

    but I couldnt have done it with out the support and guidance of the TLB members .......especially during the 'low points' and dark days

    so visit the restoration section of TLB, have a browse through the threads and see what extrodinary lengths some go to save another bus from the scrap heap in the sky

    go on, give them some love and support :-* ;D
  2. Merry christmas... newly out of the SMG this year but know what it feels like! Waiting seems forever! But eell worth the wait in my opinion :)

    Have a lovely xmas and fingers crossed next year you'll be on the road :crossed
  3. yeh have a great one diddz , looking good wont be long now then ;)
  4. rickyrooo1

    rickyrooo1 Hanging round like a bad smell

    ain't you finished that little job yet?
  5. thanks all :)

  6. MorkC68

    MorkC68 Administrator

    Happy christmas guys ;D & girlies ;D
  7. Poptop2

    Poptop2 Administrator

    Who are ya - who are ya ??
  8. Zed

    Zed Gradually getting grumpier

    Nice thought Diddy, merry christmas to the poor old grinders. It's cold to be lying under a bus with an eyeful of flaking underseal, but once you get started there's no turning back so chin-chin chaps and get out there between Christmas and new year and get stuck in. ;D
  9. Best wishes to the SMG.

    Those that can, do.
    Those that can't, teach read the resto threads !

    I promise I will think of you whilst watching a decent film, beer or wine in hand and a couple of sausage rolls inside me >:D
  10. My second and, definitely last, static Christmas.

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