mental ebay project /add

Discussion in 'General Discussion' started by davidoft, Jul 11, 2012.

  1. davidoft

    davidoft Sponsor

  2. Birdy

    Birdy Not Child Friendly

    Read the description. Had me chuckling.
  3. This is not far from me. Almost worth a viewing just to meet the seller! :))
  4. "There are some cool stickers stuck to the dash, the Germans seem to have labeling to a T.
    "Das Glimmerblinken" = dim your glinkin blinker
    "Das Smokengedunken" = dunk your fag here
    " Der Drizzelflippen" = yea! flip that drizzel!
    " Der Putensparken" = On

    I think all things should be labeled like this, it would make life much more pleasing and easy to understand.
    Der lunchunkooking = kitchen for cooking
    Die kidenflamen = that child is on fire
    Das dwarfenmitnelly = The dwarf is riding an elephant."

    Loved this advert, very funny guy!
  5. dog

    dog Tea Boy

  6. Brilliant - and a 100% feedback! ;D

    If only we lived closer :lol:

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