Meet Dave................

Discussion in 'Gnome From Gnome' started by burntout, Aug 7, 2012.

  1. Awwww pics pics pics :lol: I thought Dave had died his death! :( sniff sniff!
  2. Unwrapping the post.
    paradox and burntout like this.
  3. Learning to tell the time.
    paradox and burntout like this.
  4. :D :) :thumbsup: :D :) :thumbsup:

    :hug: Welcome Back Dave :hug:
  5. He looks happy:thumbsup:

    Whatever you do dont let him drink jagermeister after midnight:beer::gnome:
  6. Is there a story of Dave and Jagermeister @paradox ?

    Was that while in rehab?

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