May have committed a large Sin, hinting to our son of Van ownership!

Discussion in 'General Discussion' started by midmusq, Oct 31, 2012.

  1. OK, don't know if that's fair or not.

    Our oldest son is looking for his first ever car although he is 28 years old. He lives in Toronto now and needs some transportation for work. It can't be real small (a Fit or a smart car) as he'll need to take customers out for lunch from time to time. He called home to talk, last night, about not liking car shopping etc.etc.etc.

    This morning I emailed him to say perhaps he should consider a VW camper Van. Then he could get out of the city on his days off and enjoy the outdoors as he has while living in the Mountains out West. But still have room for "guesses if needed for work. I like the idea, but maybe pushing him into our obsession of VW's and Campers is ...well... just wrong?

    What do you think? Should I leave well enough alone or "help" our son join the ranks of the VW Camper world??? I'm afraid of what his G/F and my wife my think of this "help!!!

    Is it fair to get someone else "hooked" on VW's ???
  2. Baysearcher

    Baysearcher [secret moderator]

    I'd want a proper car if I had to take customers out.
  3. How often does he have to take customers out? I don't let that determine what kind of car I drive, you can always hire or take a taxi for business use then buy what you want to drive around in.

    I don't see a problem hinting to him about getting a bay, just let him make the decision.
  4. Birdy

    Birdy Not Child Friendly

    I think the bus would be perfect. Multifunctional and if he wants to show off, he could cook up a meal and entertain in the bus. What's his business??
  5. depneding on the line of business. but it would be great to use and the customers would not forget the company with the camper.

    if he takes them to a place that is booked up you can always make a cup of tea and a slice of toast in the back of the bus.
  6. if he is old enough to live in Toronto surley he is old enough to choose his own car

    and if he is in a position where he takes clients out to lunch perhaps a rusty old vw tub isn't quite the right choice

    thats my opinion anyway
  7. Thanks, He's going to make the choices himself, but I thought a good looking bus would not hurt the image. And the fun he could have after work would more than make up for having to work for a living. LOL
  8. Told my son he could have the pickup when he passed his test....He said no thanks ,I want a proper car... :-
  9. Birdy

    Birdy Not Child Friendly

  10. And what happens when it breaks down on the interstate with a client on board?

    It would be great for a social vehicle but I don't think it would be right for wining and dining clients.
  11. Birdy

    Birdy Not Child Friendly

  12. Baysearcher

    Baysearcher [secret moderator]

    If the client happens to be into old vw's they may see the funny side of it. If not, they probably won't. Remember, hard as it is to believe, not everyone appreciates the charms of old buses
  13. Birdy

    Birdy Not Child Friendly

    Ohhh so much for the spirit of 2011.

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