Martin Dorey appreciation club

Discussion in 'General Discussion' started by robcod, Sep 22, 2015.

  1. I can't say I'd ever heard of him, but I see he's promoting the 2 minute beach clean, which can only be a good thing , we did it on the Eirball this year. I think he may even have been there (why do people go to the trouble of picking up after their dogs, knotting the plastic bags and then throwing the bag away:confused:)
  2. Hey Rhona, yes I was there for the beach clean - we try and meet up with the Eireball crew each year at some point as we are usually in Ireland seeing rellies. Glad you like the 2 minute beach clean idea too - it's been amazing how many people get it and do it. And yes, I hate that too with the dog bags - why???
    Surfari likes this.
  3. I didn't like the TV programme.
    Because I felt that it had been watered down to appeal to the broader, dimmer viewing public.
    I didn't like the book much either for similar reasons.
    Corporate, sales oriented folk were clearly very involved and some of the recipes you simply wouldn't bother with in a field.
    You'd just take a packet of biscuits instead.

    That said, Martin and I have met and he was barely any more of a prat than I am.
  4. I have a signed book and have also clean up a beach after a local school holiday group decided it was ok tho leave all there lunch waste there! I like Martin and would love to see more campervan cooking!
    MorkC68 likes this.
  5. Baysearcher

    Baysearcher [secret moderator]

    I won a signed book for being the grumpiest member on here a few years ago.
    I cherish that book.
    Jack Tatty, Poptop2 and Razzyh like this.
  6. nowts changed then ...:D
    Poptop2 likes this.
  7. scrooge95

    scrooge95 Moderator and piggy bank keeper

    I got bought the cookbook for my birthday and have got as far as putting it in the van ready for next years culinary campervan-based extravaganzas....
    Any re-runs of the series on a satellite channel anywhere?
  8. all on you tube mate
    scrooge95 likes this.
  9. I also had to google him...:D

    he writes books and cooks i think and has curley swishy hair...:cool:

    I d like the Huge witttingstall geezer ,has he got a camper?
  10. Got the book and DVD set, saw him last year at a VW show poss Volksworld, didn't like to admit i had already bought his book cheaper off eBay or Amazon.
    ( don't tell him its our secret)
  11. Are you feeling alright mate? You didn't use the words "camper van" in that sentence. That's not like you at all.

    I think you're a knob on telly and a nice bloke with a good sense of humour in real life - how's that? :)
    taiga79 and Bernard Fishtrousers like this.
  12. As for hair..... I WIN :)
    Bernard Fishtrousers likes this.
  13. Well I have to say. the series started the same time as I got my bus, so have a bit of a soft spot as it showed the art of the possible.... Have the books, watched the re-runs a few times since...even visited a couple of sites from the show...We also cook what we find from the local road side stalls...again picked up from the show...

    Like most people I have met who share the bus life... ultimately nice person, in it for their own reasons and passions, and get out of it what they want.... Just that Martin shares his stories with the rest of us...and in the main we just share our opinions ;)
    bernjb56 likes this.
  14. You can download them from iTunes.

    We watched the entire series that way whilst looking for our first bus. :)
  15. Hi @Martin Dorey what oil did you use? :D

    Don't say Extra Virgin Olive Oil.
    Wonty likes this.
  16. Moons

    Moons Supporter

    Dog crapping caries a bigger fine than littering maybe..
    Surfari likes this.
  17. rickyrooo1

    rickyrooo1 Hanging round like a bad smell

    Been tweeting with Martin this morning, he's seen the future you know.
    MorkC68 likes this.
  18. We know, he told us all on a thread and where to get off as well :thumbsup:
    rickyrooo1 likes this.
  19. rickyrooo1

    rickyrooo1 Hanging round like a bad smell

    Really? I missed that lol
  20. Flakey

    Flakey Supporter

    He's not going to get another TV series with one of them though is he :D
    geordieandy likes this.

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