Magical Trevs Magical BBq starter!!

Discussion in 'General Discussion' started by Magical Trevor, Jun 4, 2012.

  1. You all know the problem!! :eek: Youve invited your friends for a bbq but it isnt starting as quick as you wanted so they will all be waiting for food!! :eek: :eek:

    What do you do??

    Bring out the Magical trevs magical bbq starter ;) ;)

    You all have them (or maybee its just us :eek:) your old hoovers(vacuume cleaners). For some reason Shell kills them at a mahoosive rate so being a hoarder I end up with loads of vacuume motors so I came up with this!! ;) ;)

    The intention was to have it up the flue of the bbq to give some draw but the noise (someting i didnt think too much about :-[ :-[ :-[ caused problems) So now it is a furnace starting monster! ;D ;D

  2. bernjb56

    bernjb56 Supporter

    You do realise that the suggestion here is that Shell does all the hoovering :thinking:
  3. :supsbrew:
    And i was thinking , maybe prawn cocktail or a traditional garlic bread not a fire starter.
  4. Tuesday wildchild

    Tuesday wildchild I'm a circle!

    I was expecting a like industrial hair dyer like which my mother has like this but way way older [​IMG]
  5. apart from seeing the lovely Florence that was a very boring video. :)
  7. I got one of these, work a treat every time:

  8. Brian, you've too much time on your hands - go camping :))
  9. Brilliant! Does it have different speed settings?

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