Looking for an old radio headunit

Discussion in 'Late Bay Parts Classifieds' started by pHiL, May 5, 2012.

  1. I currently have a whole in the dash where the orginal radio headunit use to be (was removed by the PO), however it's the orginal size, and don't want to cut it to fit a new standard size headunit. Therefore I'm going to mount the new headunit below the dash, which will also mean it's hidden from prying eyes :). Therefore I'm just looking for an old headunit that will fit into the orginal dash hole (roughly 18cm x 4.5cm).

    It doesn't need to work (as it won't be used), though if it still lit up that would be a bonus - I may look at connecting it to the ignition so it at least lit up for apperances sake (if indeed they use to light up, I'm not sure!).

    Anyone got a unit in the back of a shed gathering dust? :D
  2. Hi i have an og vw 1 call 07914201724
  3. davidoft

    davidoft Sponsor

  5. davidoft

    davidoft Sponsor

  6. Hi dd - you've got pm
  7. Cheers for that mate.

    Like the look of that Sharp one in the bottom left. Tho will it fit ok in a hole roughly 18cm x 4.5cm? It's dimensions look at a bit out on the picture, tho maybe the actual body behind the headunit is ok.

    If it would fit, how much would you want for it posted?

  8. davidoft

    davidoft Sponsor

    i have tried them all in my uncut dash and they fit in, the sharp one measures, 18 x 4.3, it was working and gave really good sound, its my favourite one :) . pm'd you

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