Log burning advice

Discussion in 'General Discussion' started by bernjb56, Oct 22, 2012.

  1. i've had both types of fire mentioned: open fireplace and stove type.

    there's no doubt the enclosed stove type are easier to control and can last longer/use less fuel because you can control the burn rate/heat output by controling the air flow.

    the open fireplace using wood can still be controlled but is more difficult - the key is to light the fire on a bed of ashes and air cannot stoke the fire from beneath only from the sides and front. after you have used the fire leave a bed of ashes on the grate (clear them from underneath though) and then light the next fire on top. this stops too much air coming from underneath and creating a fireball going up the chimney and buring the wood too quickly - this doesn't generate much heat either.

    practice is needed but if you can control the airflow it will burn well, with a small flame and generate loads of heat.

    i found that wood needed about 3 years to dry out after cutting - if you start collecting/storing now and buy for the next couple of years it's a cheap way of having a nice fire to top up your central heating in the coming years.

    not sure why but when you have an open fireplace and start chopping wood it becomes addictive. bit like bbqs. and a bit like buses.

    hope this helps.

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