LED strip/rope lights

Discussion in 'General Discussion' started by Tuesday wildchild, Apr 8, 2013.

  1. Tuesday wildchild

    Tuesday wildchild I'm a circle!

    Just had the latest Lidl sheet arrive and on Monday 15th you may like to purchase a or more 1 metre length 30 white or 32 coloured long-life LED's.

    Say cable 2 metre so I guess its on a mains adaptor but doesn't say.

    Made by
    Livarno Lux
    moley76 likes this.
  2. rickyrooo1

    rickyrooo1 Hanging round like a bad smell

    how much?
  3. Yeah how much? Must admit I bought a 5m roll of 12 volt bright white for less than a tenner off fleabay, I was very cautious but then a mate came round in his car & he had fitted it everywhere & it worked really well so he sent me the link & I took the plunge... Oh the bonus was they were posted from the UK not China :D
  4. They. must be free
  5. the 5m rolls are 12v and can be cut every 3 or 4 LEDs to get the desired length, theres solder pads which can be exposed to join wires on to
    Theres loads on fleabay, some are brighter than others, take note of the wattage quoted.
    Some are also waterproof, meaning the LED tape is encapsulated in clear silicone, this also makes them a bit stronger.
    The self adhesive was not too good on mine, or I did not clean the surface properly, ended up sticking them with impact adhesive.

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