Leaky roof.

Discussion in 'General Discussion' started by S1mon, Jul 13, 2014.

  1. Went camping and got caught in a really heavy downpour with the top up (it's a riviera)
    First time we have been caught out so found a few leaks( not the veggie type:p)
    Can anyone recommend a new canvas supplier ?

    On the plus side my leaky window didn't leak, and the van was running sweet!

    Oh yeah wouldn't Reccommed debden house for camping its local for us but they let gypsys on site and that time I counted 15 caravans. We were camping with a school, most of the loos were out of order and the 4 hook up points we asked for turned out to be 2 and only one worked ... Oh well the kids had fun though.
    Last edited: Jul 13, 2014
    oxiderenegade likes this.
  2. Thanks for the heads up about Debden. I've been close to booking there a couple of times.

    As for the other bit - you ought to change leeks to leaks before some wag comes on and talks about what you can do with a vegetable.
    S1mon and dog like this.
  3. Don't know of anyone selling a Rivi canvas here or in the states. Might be worth speaking to a sailmaker or the like if you need it quick. @BayWatcher offered me a deal to make one, may e worth jumping in and speaking to him first.

    Didn't find any leeks or any other veg in ours when we got it but there was an out of date condom up in the roof space
    S1mon likes this.
  4. Our uncle Bill :thumbsup:

    Take it off and bring it round
  5. Who?
  6. :rolleyes: Check our secret van thread :thumbsup:
    S1mon likes this.
  7. I'd like a new canvas for my rivi too. Keep us posted simon
    S1mon likes this.

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