Late Bay age profile

Discussion in 'General Discussion' started by Dicky, Aug 30, 2012.

  1. 43 years young!!
  2. Turned 40 this year :eek: - not quite sure how that sneaked up on me :thinking:
  3. 39 3 weeks ago so I am younger than my bus :)
  4. 35, I think, though last time i looked i'm sure i was 21 ::)
  5. 46 not out.
  6. Another 46er...
  7. 20 something on the inside 50 something on the outside
  8. 44 - acts like a 20 something - felt 20 something as i waded into the moshpits at Leeds Festy last week - felt 50 something when i came out ;D i think its time to retire

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