Karmageddon or ( Bilge time )

Discussion in 'General Discussion' started by Poptop2, Dec 14, 2012.

  1. Poptop2

    Poptop2 Administrator

    I am a firm believer that we all get out of life what we put into it in effect we earn karma not t'internet karma but proper karma .

    All my life i have tried to be true to my own ethics you know the one's - be helpful , be courteous don't basically pile my life's crap onto others , i have lots of crap in my life as i am sure lots of others do ,, mostly we keep it to ourselves and carry on regardless .

    Just lately in general life i have noticed people seem to be dishing out their crap to all and sundry , we have guys at work that cause trouble for absolutely no reason they come in to our place and just dish it out , moaning about things , reporting people for transgressing company rules , steal other peoples overtime and are just generally nasty , one of the main culprits has been doing it for years and i often wondered why , why is he such a evil little man , why does he do the things he does surely he can't be right in the mind everyone knows he's lying stirring etc , these things often went through my mind and as usual i just chided him along trying to keep him on board while the others told me i was nuts , its just me and the way i am,

    Turns out he is very poorly , lost a child a few years ago in a nasty accident and life in general has been unkind to him , you never know these things until it's too late so it pays to be kind even when you don't want to .

    At every turn in general life i see more and more bitterness , greed , despair , poverty , jealousy and anger , it says something about our current state of affairs more than us i hope .

    Our one solace or respite from the crap is our holidays or breaks away from the norm , next week is Christmas and i have two weeks off , two whole weeks away from the grind of the motorway , the dark and cold and the constant bickering at work , i have two whole weeks off with Will , Lou my lad Neil and his girlfriend who are back from uni , i can drink chat and be myself in the comfort of my own home , i can in short relax and enjoy life for a bit , i might do a bit of wild camping in the van with Will , just me and my boy chilling and doing what dads and lads do , might even have a midnight farting competition - how childish is that ? - we won't post that up i promise :)

    We on here chose vw campers as our escape from the grind we chose a sort of lifestyle too when we did so , freedom the rght to roam , go where the wind blows see new sites meet new people along the way and as well as receiving help help others when we can , it is the nomadic way we chose to holiday .

    If we travel through life and in our vans with good vibes they will be returned , if we choose to berate every other person on the way for no apparent reason , just to be big or to put them down then those vibes will probably be returned too .

    On our travels Lou and i have been inundated with kindness , we have tried to be kind in return - to be honest we have struggled at times to return all the favour's and good vibes sent our way , but the right time will come hopefully.

    Maybe it will be when we pack it all in , sell up and decide to travel , we do plan to do this one day maybe it won't be in a bay but something bigger something we can chuck into our golf clubs and whats left of our ebayed life , the little momento's that we choose to keep and do a Toad of Toad hall - that moment in Wind of the willows

    Glorious, stirring sight! The poetry of motion! The real way to travel! The only way to travel! Here today - in next week tomorrow! Villages skipped, towns and cities jumped - always somebody else's horizon! O bliss! O poop-poop! O my! O my!

    “Here today, up and off to somewhere else tomorrow! Travel, change, interest, excitement! The whole world before you, and a horizon that's always changing!”
    ― Kenneth Grahame, The Wind in the Willows

    This is our dream to travel wherever we want travel light and go where the wind blows maybe far maybe wide we don't know where or even care but i do hope i have saved up enough karma for karmageddon !

    i might have stored up a bit on here , but its probably been offset by the bilge ;)
  2. :)

    i agree you get back from people what you put in... if you wish to be a complete arse hole you aren't going to be liked by many and when the time comes where you need help who will want to help you when all you've done is made people angry, feel like crap and in turn they certainly won't go out of their way to help you

    i think the best thing to do in life is give everyone a chance and a second chance... after that nothing...

    i think i try to be kind to people and i do think people are kind to me in return but if someone is an outright idiot who is nasty, derogatory and simply rude... then thats it...

    i do believe in karma... :) x

    Enjoy your holiday Malc x
  3. Poptop2

    Poptop2 Administrator

    Cheers Tiny Pie ;)
  4. Dont forget to take me :(

    I've got a tow rope :thumbsup:

    Have a happy 2 weeks of Malc ,great sentiments mate :)
  5. I've never met you Malc but hope our paths cross in 2013 as I love the wild camping threads you start when you go off on your father son trips, its something I will definitely be doing with my two...

    Have an excellent two weeks off it sounds like you deserve it...

  6. Poptop2

    Poptop2 Administrator

  7. Flakey

    Flakey Supporter

    I've always been a treat others as you want to be treated yourself sort of bloke, think I've only had one proper argument with a stranger in my life.
    think most of us are beginning to feel the need for the forthcoming break, hope you enjoy it, I know I'm going to.
  9. Nicely put malc dude and very simaler to may way of thinking

    Im having a right crappy time of things yet again but when someone says good morning on the school run it makes all the difference to my day

    Smiling is infectious,
    you catch it like the flu.
    when someone smiled at me today,
    I started smiling too.
    I passed around the corner,
    and someone saw my grin.
    when he smiled I realized.
    I'd passed it on to him!
    I thought about that smile,
    then I realized it's worth.
    a single smile just like mine,
    could travel round the Earth
  10. Poptop2

    Poptop2 Administrator

  11. Flakey

    Flakey Supporter

  12. Poptop2

    Poptop2 Administrator

    i'm no wimp , i had tough upbringing saw enough real violence to last me for ever most of it came my way too , i just think kindness and thought work better for me !
  13. I agree totally. Why whinge and get angry with life...it raises your blood pressure and will ultimately kill you ;)

    I try to give more than I take, and start each day without resentment for things that have happened before. It works...mostly :)
  14. You swine you got me thinking of my summer holidays now lol :)
  15. Poptop2

    Poptop2 Administrator

    :thumbsup: :thumbsup: :thumbsup:

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