it keeps popping out

Discussion in 'Mech Tech' started by Tiny-Pie, Oct 8, 2012.

  1. Of 4th....just wondering if I'm putting it in too soon?

    What speed do you guys usually change to 4th... I know the engines are loud but don't want to blow Molly up so put it in 4th and sometimes it just pops out....?

  2. 1600 tp, change into 4th at 40-45 depending on whether I want to accelerate hard or just get up to speed gradually.
    Theres obviously a problem somewhere if its popping out at any speed, maybe the selector plate needs adjusting?
  3. Pops out of 4th due to wear in the gearbox
    Rebuild or replace gearbox
  5. My mini used to do this and i was told the gearbox needed a rebuild

    I drove it for another two thousand miles by attaching a bungee cord to the gear stick and the seat to hold it into gear
  6. Guess I'll just have to keep hold of it...
  8. Looks like my left hands going to be extremely busy.... :p
  9. rickyrooo1

    rickyrooo1 Hanging round like a bad smell

    one of my old landies did this too, i did what para said as well, worked for years.

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