Is this vandalism?.......

Discussion in 'General Discussion' started by Jack Tatty, Oct 15, 2012.

  1. Jack Tatty

    Jack Tatty Supporter and teachers pet

  2. davidoft

    davidoft Sponsor

    i think its pretty clever, but 2 grand to repaint them, geeez i may have a change of career :eek:
  4. I saw this earlier - yes it is vandalism ... but its cool
  5. dog

    dog Tea Boy

  6. Honky

    Honky Administrator

    I guess they didn't have permission to do it and they don't own them so it is vandalism but not mindless.

    We live opposite some common land and someone has taken it upon himself to erect a memorial to our service men and women. The sentiment and thought behind it is well founded but it is vandalism of the land.

    He has used stones and rocks placed on the shore to ease erosion, cleared areas of scrub home to foxes, rabbits, rats, mice, voles, shrews, common lizards, slow worms and countless birds, insects and plants. Introduced a dove cote fully of white pigeons and plants 100s of non-native plants.

    He didn't have planning permission and the council are to scared to do anything about it because of the sensitive nature of the memorial.

    Rant over.
  7. rickyrooo1

    rickyrooo1 Hanging round like a bad smell

    is it any different than Banksy 'vandalising'? one mans vandalism is another mans art.
  8. Vandalism is when you do intentional damage to property.

    This is a copyright issue. if the art-work is copyrighted, then this is violating it's rights, as you are not allowed to modify or copy authors works without permission.

    If it's not copyrighted, it's still a violation of common courtesy and disrespectful to the original author.

    Either way it's wrong, whether you like it or not. If this was a water hydrant or wall, then no ones original work would be affected.
  9. Perhaps the artist used them as an illustration that nothing in life is permanent, not even sacred concrete cows. Sure it is vandalism within the legal meaning of the word but I have to say I like it.
  10. they look good. i think. they should have put a roundabout in the middle as Milton keynes is full of them.

    "We don't condone graffiti obviously, but it's pretty awesome. It's art."

    well said
  11. The concrete cows are part of the 'history' of Milton Keynes and a landmark (which with all the roundabouts does help!) and are an emotive topic locally .. kinda like marmite, people love them or hate them!

    I drove past them the other day and thought that they had been 'dressed' up for halloween for some reason, but couldn't work out why. There are 'copy cows' in the shopping centre as well.

    It is vandalism and would be a shame to see the cows removed because of the cost of fixing them (again).

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