Is this right?

Discussion in 'Restorations' started by Furyblade_Lee, Mar 5, 2015.

  1. Hi guys, I recent recieved these Splitty indicators in the post, but am wondering if there is a chrome cover or sonething missing?? The finish quality is shocking, I can only think there should be a cover over the silver paint? They look like they have been sprayed from behind by a silver aerosol can , one has a run in the paint
    about an inch long and the other has lots of little marks between the paint and plastic. The edges also are roughly finished, dare I say Christmas cracker quality. Could not see these sitting on the front of anyone's Splitty. Is this normal?

    Attached Files:

  2. Late bay - the clues in the name. Seriously though that looks like absolute tat. What you doing with them. Not a split/bay conversion is it!
  3. davidoft

    davidoft Sponsor

  4. No it for a split, not mine infortunately... The vendor has not back to me yet . But with the best will in the world, I would not have sent them out to anyone, irrespective of price. If they were free they would not be going on anything
  5. ^^^^ Sorrry I can spell , flippin' spell correct and sausage fingers do not make good bed fellows!!!

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