Is this bit important?

Discussion in 'Mech Tech' started by Mr Apollo, Oct 24, 2020.

  1. For no real reason, I happened to look in the engine bay earlier, and spotted a bolt just laying there. Looking around I found two screws, a washer and a small metal plate. They have clearly fallen of the bottom of the carb. The engine runs fine, so they can't be critical. I've added a photo of the area the plate covers. Does the bolt, with washer, go in the central hole? I guess it is just blanking off an alternative attachment point for something?


  2. Looks like the plate that covers the diaphragm (which has gone missing) that opens the choke plate a bit when the engines revving.

    I'd find the rest of the bits and put them back on.
  3. Parts 35 - 38

    Mr Apollo and Cockers like this.
  4. Thanks for the information. No other bits to be found, I had a good look/feel around. I did find an old spanner under a bundle of wiring though. I have a horrible suspicion that the bolt and washer were pushed in there in place of part 38?

    Am I likely to be damaging anything using the van before the correct parts are fitted?
  5. Probably not.
  6. mikedjames

    mikedjames Supporter

    It will just drive a bit slower and maybe smokier until the choke comes off first thing after cold starting .. Theres a diaphragm with a rod and a spring missing too looking at the diagram.. I think service kits may have the parts.
    snotty likes this.
  7. Barry Haynes

    Barry Haynes I dance in leopard skin mankini’s

    I have twin 34icts with no choke, I live life on the edge man:thumbsup:
    Day and Lila like this.
  8. They will, but not the spring unfortunately.
  9. Thanks everyone, a fingertip search of the engine bay, and I can't find the missing parts. There are a few places they could have fallen through onto the road, so the search for replacement parts starts here.
  10. Look at the positives - you've gained a spanner!
    Valveandy likes this.
  11. mikedjames

    mikedjames Supporter

    One plus is that even an otherwise knackered carburettor will contain the correct spring..

    Its probaly the same as for a 34PICT-3 ...

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