Is technology taking over our lives?

Discussion in 'General Discussion' started by lost-en-france, Oct 18, 2012.

  1. it`s on now itv ,not really watching it ,too busy on the laptop... :p
  2. Merlin Cat

    Merlin Cat Moderator


    probably, I was listening to a radio prog the other day and they said if GPS failed half the world would stop! Also due to tom toms etc people are forgetting how to use maps. I dont have a tom tom but i am still a bit poo at maps!
  3. Half the world may well stop, but lets be honest, it'll be the stupid half.

    I use technology as much, maybe more, than the next man, but i'm just as happy without it, in a field.

    When i was driving to see the now Wife, who was in Wales at the time, my sat nav died, as did my phone, guess who didn't have the charger in the car? DOH! She was shocked how I managed to find her small town (fortunately on the coast). When I told her I just drove West until I hit the coast and then went North, she thought it was amazing. Apparently the fact I knew which way was west was amazing...
  4. I get more lost with my gps sometimes and find myself thinking was that the 3rd or fourth exit ,plus i need glasses to read it :-. Computers rule the world now. No going back :-.
  5. I only drove for a few years before Sat Navs really got going and I had one, but I've defo got more lost with it! It naturally allows me to concentrate less, it's bad really!
  6. Poptop2

    Poptop2 Administrator

    Naghh never watch tv and don't even own a computer !
  7. Rez


    I manage Technology dept for a large retailer but actually have no great interest in it. I still use paper maps, collect vinyl have a bog standard phone and obviously drive old cars. I can't understand this need to always have the newest gadget.

    Last weekend our electricity got cut off for 4 days. Myself and the girlfriend got on even better as a couple without tv, internet etc.

    We actually had to talk!!! :eek:
  9. I love technology ... It's not taking over our lives just integrating with it as much or as little as each individual wants it to.
  10. I love the modern technology, although being a technically qualified bloke I don't find it at all challenging, even though I am approaching retirement age. I have two desktop computers (cos of my work) a laptop, an iPad, a smart phone, a SatNav, 3 digital cameras including a DSLR, and a HD video camera, and use them all the time. BUT what do I enjoy the most? Tinkering with my simple, well designed VW camper, which is more fun than any modern technology!
  11. I used a GPS and stopped 4 miles from Car Colston with no obvious way of getting there
  12. Nahhhh!

  15. perhaps people are letting it take over there life? ive always been suspicious of the fast becoming total dependancy on elec./comp.> and as an old guy i have noticed over the years the slipping away of face to face interactions with one another AND a particular worry is how all govt dept"s require you to phone /e.mail used to be an item of a 70"s sci-fi movie "you will be switched off " now, if your ENTIRE electronic .life re ALL the companies /org"s you deal with was wiped clean, inc your employment one and your own access to the "system" was "denied" ??? well, think about it , really think about it >>you simply would not exist!
  17. Rez



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