Industrial vw engine.

Discussion in 'General Discussion' started by Sven, Jun 21, 2012.

  1. Recently I got a phone call.

    long story short i found me a Rosenbauer fire pump powered by a 1600 sp engine. It's got 18 working hours, Scintilla Vertex ignition and it's bolted to this big ugly thing with water valves and crap.

    Cost me 250 eur, sold the vertex and pump for 150 eur, and am now left with a new old stock type 1 engine for peanuts. Kalabanga!


    You need to change around some tinware, exhaust, bit's and pieces, but in it's bare form the engine is no different than those in cars, i've fitted one of these in a beetle.. never heard a quieter engine.

    Apparently there were type 4 1800 engines used for industrial purposes, so keep your heads up for old army warehouses, these were used for air compressors, water pumps, electrical generators, they even run sawmills and cable cars amongst lots of other things... mostly with very low usage as they were only for backup.
  2. rickyrooo1

    rickyrooo1 Hanging round like a bad smell

    yep plenty of type 4 industrials about, rob w and midlife on here run them.

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