I ran out of beans at camperjam

Discussion in 'General Discussion' started by jivedubbin, Jul 9, 2012.

  1. You mean you dont have a years worth of food cached away incase the zombies come?
  2. so you can feed yourself for an year for Approximately £1,005.93 that works out as £19.35 a week !!!!!!!!!!!!
  3. Beks i used to speak to an amish family that fed themselves very well for less than that a week
  4. i think it's a bargain
  5. If you grow your own food or buy in bulk then a dehydrator is a very usefull kitchen appliance to have and you can also make awesome jerky and fruit leathers

    Foods that preserve well for a long time are an aquired taste to the modern pallette though
  6. SPAM is the answer people
  7. hi zoe

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