I love Norfolk

Discussion in 'General Discussion' started by hailfrank, May 13, 2013.

  1. [​IMG]
  2. Normal for Norfolk ;) lol

  3. Terrordales

    Terrordales Nightshift

    I think every profession uses something like NfN, at Ms. Ts hospital that stands for Normal for Nowra ( a local town)
    On the crash rescue truck the one we hate to use but sometimes have to describe a victim to the paramedics is FUBAR BUNDY (F##$&* Up Beyond All Recovery But Unfortunately Not Dead Yet)
    Birdy likes this.
  4. Best thing about Norfolk is the road back to Suffolk,
    Like the old saying ,
    Suffolk and good, Norfolk and good, said with a Norfolk accent,
    Lord Charles likes this.
  5. Oi ! Stop posting pictures of my feet on here !I thought I overtook a couple of dubs on the A47 in my tractor ........:p

    Anyway Norfolk is great, as of course I live here, and it is beautiful but also has an amazing history. It has its up and downs not many as we are a little lacking in hills) ............anyway Breck Farm the 27th has spaces and it does not appear to busy if anyones about will be there about mid day will be staying three night ! Oh and we have Whitenoise and DATH in Norfolk :D
    marigold13 likes this.
  6. Tuesday wildchild

    Tuesday wildchild I'm a circle!

    When we lived in Boston we often went Norfolk. Its great for cycling.


    Word of warning four young ladies form Grantham will be in former this weekend, please keep your distance as they might of had a couple of sherries.
  7. I love Norfolk too. Haven't been for years. Not so keen on Great Yarmouth, though - they seem a very strange breed there...
    oxiderenegade and dog like this.
  8. dog

    dog Tea Boy

    And apparently the accent is easy to pick up too lol x
  9. A certain children's hospital had wwd ( well worth doing) for pinning ears back and wlk ( weird looking kid) both very professional :D
    Mrs Moosey likes this.
  10. Birdy

    Birdy Not Child Friendly

    This means I'm Greek.
  11. That is a bit grim :(. Think if I dealt with this stuff all day, I'd develop a bit of gallows humour.
  12. dog

    dog Tea Boy

    i'm afraid you do, its all part of dealing with stuff like this!
  13. Birdy

    Birdy Not Child Friendly

    You have to. You become desensitised in some ways but as a nurse you don't ever stop caring even when they have passed away.
  14. Tuesday wildchild

    Tuesday wildchild I'm a circle!

    Unless your name is Beverly allitt.
    Birdy likes this.
  15. Terrordales

    Terrordales Nightshift

    Exactly what Dog said, there is a certain black sense of humour in all the emergency services, to say nothing about the medical staff at the hospital.
  16. :lol:
  17. rickyrooo1

    rickyrooo1 Hanging round like a bad smell

    Just tried to trace my family in Norfolk on incestry.co.uk
  18. Oh yeah, he's still in denial about that :D.

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