I forgot how much i freaking love this

Discussion in 'General Discussion' started by paradox, May 29, 2012.

  1. Wide eyed bushy tailed and feeling all fluffy bubbles and sunshine ;)

    Now where do i fit the two twelve inch subs in my bus :thinking:

    I think ive been having too much of a good time of late working in the sunshine
    I looked at my bus today and thought that would look sweet slammed to the deck :eek:
  2. Tuesday wildchild

    Tuesday wildchild I'm a circle!

    Thats that "music" were they steal someone's work stick some thumping noise over it and claim they made music.
  3. Most music has been like that for years dude

    Even fresh modern stuff from all areas has a link back to an earlier inspiration

    Music is like fashion it goes round in cycles

    I saw two lads walk past me today in jumpers identical to what i was clothed in when i was 3 years old
  4. That's a night out O0

    Used to love the Old Mutoid Waste Co parties, Spiral Tribe yah da yahda

    You make a noise, it's music!
  6. All done on laptops now? no decks required
    I still like all that dance music, dates back to late 80's when acid house started, I started to enjoy clubbing. Have to listen to it on my own these days, seems to annoy the family.
  7. prefer the ferry courston version.
    Still got my 1210's but never can be arsed going on them anymore :(
    All set up and ready to go though.

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