i am NOT poorly sick anymore

Discussion in 'General Discussion' started by bekyip, May 7, 2012.

  1. apologies for any delirious typing
    normal twaddle will resume once am well.
    bek - and yes i would like some sympathy.
  2. Get well soon Bek , ring that bell you need more tea n bics.
  3. would you like me to sing "soft kitty" to you as you're sickly
  4. no i don't want you to sing soft kitty.
  5. LOL- i wouldn't either and I've heard myself singing - get well soon
  6. soup, fluffy bedsocks, blanky, extra blanky, flask of warm lemon and honey, cushions, remote control

    give the above list to Rob :)
  7. Whatcha got, man flu?

    If so you have my sympathy
  8. MorkC68

    MorkC68 Administrator

    Get well soon Bek - I hope Rob is looking after you & making sure you are alright!!
  9. Poptop2

    Poptop2 Administrator

    Chin up Bek at least your getting a rest and Robs waiting on you hand n foot :)

    i was joking about the Rob bit ;)
  10. Step away from the sewing machines poorly lady.

    Get better soon x
  11. Get well soon.
    Gargle with some port - it kills the bugs.....and even if it doesn't work, you're soon to merry to care! ;) :)
  12. thankyou everyone don't worry i haven't been near a sewing machine or anything else dangerous.
    i have eaten 2 cornetos and some tinned pears.
  14. it maybe wasn't the best decision. :(

  15. bernjb56

    bernjb56 Supporter

    I think it might be too much tea and pizza :thinking:
  16. i feel much better
    i have not had a cup of tea since sunday morning. this is not right.
    thanks for all the sympathy
  17. That man flu has a quicker recovery period when women get it it seems
  18. bernjb56

    bernjb56 Supporter

  19. Glad your better ,it could have been a reaction to tea after a shortfall whilst rob was watching snooker that caused it ?? Hope the bell is to hand and you are learning some tunes together :))
  20. hahahahaha

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