Howdy Guys And Girls!!

Discussion in 'Introduce Yourselves' started by DUMBODOGGY, Aug 31, 2011.

  1. Hi guys!

    I have just bought my first bay, its not quite a late bay but a 73 crossover ex Swiss Firebus panel van!

    I live in Birmingham, it sure would be good to know if the are any meets in the Midlands etc???

    Here is my new van!>>>>

    At first, when she was in Switzerland.........


    And today.....


    May see you at Vanfest? ??? ???

  2. Hello welcome and howdy what a loverly van that is
  3. What a cool ride :)
    Welcome, have a good stay
  4. Welcome - Cool Van
  5. rickyrooo1

    rickyrooo1 Hanging round like a bad smell

    Tidy van mate, there are a few midlands meets, depends on how far you want to travel, never seen a crossover on an M reg's that work? K or L at a push but M is Aug 73 to July74 isn't it? hope you're getting free road tax - if not sort it out.
  6. welcome to TLB :D

    sweeeet looking van 8)

    those graphics on the side look cool any side on pics?
  7. MorkC68

    MorkC68 Administrator

    Welcome to the forum fella, thats one lovely van, well done!!
  8. hailfrank

    hailfrank Admin esq.

    welcome :)
  9. Cheers Guys!

    I know, how odd being on a '73 M????? Registered 31.12.1973? In my hones opinion I think it was a bodged import job, in fact I got in touch with the importers who told me it could have been built, sat around and stamped up as a '74 MY??????? Never heard of that!!! The chassis starts with 234?? Surely that means is a 74 model tear Kombi?????????
  10. Hi and welcome.

    Lovely van and I too would like to see a side on shot.
  11. Welcome to the site!! That is one lovely van you've got there, nice one 8)
  12. No probs! I'll get some on next week as she is currently in a transporter on her way back from Malaga! I haven't seen her myself yet!!
  13. dog

    dog Tea Boy

    thats a gorgeous bus buddy,
    welcome along!
  14. Not as nice as your Chris!!!!! Blimey o'Reilly!
  15. That's a very nice looking bus! I'll look out for it at Vanfest.
  16. A few more pics of Lulubelle!


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