How to disable geotagging if using tapatalk

Discussion in 'General Discussion' started by DUBious, Aug 10, 2011.

  1. Ok, for some odd reason when using tapatalk on the forum I kept getting the google map location embedded into the post, really annoying, I checked all options within tapatalk all to no avail !

    The answer is simple, drop out of tapatalk and go to you "I" device settings
    In settings go into " location services" tab
    In that tab you will see the list of all apps using geotags or " location services " just uncheck the one against tapatalk

    Simples :)

    - Posted using Tapatalk
  2. Birdy

    Birdy Not Child Friendly

    I never allow those push things. Had a game once that didnt have the option of turning push and it kept me awake for a while as it kept going off. The developers got a polite e mail from me.

    - Sent from my iLife 4 suite of applications.
  3. omg..

    where is the "dizzy" smiliey when you need it!!!!!!!! ::)
  4. Alternatively, just click 'don't allow' when it asks you the first time ;)
  5. Alternatively when you go to post open advanced options above the keyboard and slide to no on geotags

    This will stay off
  6. Delete, go to AppStore and reinstall
  7. Tuesday wildchild

    Tuesday wildchild I'm a circle!

    The perfect world of apple.

    How did I miss this post before now?
  8. dog

    dog Tea Boy

    Someone's bored ;)
  9. Tuesday wildchild

    Tuesday wildchild I'm a circle!

    I poped out around back to have a look in the trash bins.
    dog likes this.

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