on the mcj wheel i just fitted you remove the brass ring from the underside of the original vw wheel and bolts to new wheel and bend brass spring part up untill it makes a good firm contact. at moment just tracing wires to renew the complete circuit so i can remove the button off the dash which is a pain getting to in a rush..........
hi matty i'm feeling a bit stuck and stupid, but thats normal. your write ups have always put me on the right track but can you help on this a little more.this is where im upto fitted new wheel from mcj, refitted ring onto it from old wheel so contact strip meet, wiring from fuse box to horn wiring from horn(brown) back to connecter under steering wheel..problem is no earth. i've found a broken spade connecter on top bolt of steering coupler but where does this connect to as i take it this is the earth. is this not going to rotate twisting the wire and breaking it or is this my stupid head working overtime.. cheers for all your write ups matty
@wendygun The square coupler should have a short bit of wire going from the bolt that holds the steering shaft to the coupler to a bolt that fixes the steering box to the coupler This wire links across the coupler so that it can earth through the steering box to the frame
cheers matty. today i got a spare hour, on closer inspection ie taking off what seemed like a full tin of underseal off the steering box and coupler i found the other half of the broken connection so know where its going to. does it have to go underneath or just to one of the bolts, i just would be easier to connect where i can see it or will it not get a good earth that way. it would be the same bolt but just on the top side. thank you matty
I think I know where I went wrong. I have been mixing horn types and years! Earlier years had a connection on the outer sleeve which was isolated. The circuit above makes much more sense! Thanks loads, I will try and make it work again! I will keep you updated!
Trying to sort out the horn on my crossdresser. I have reconnected the wire to the tab under the horn button and am a bit stuck now. At some point in the past, a previous owner has cut off all the wiring to the horn itself. Under the floor I have found the live feed and also found two other brown wires coming out of the same part of the loom, but they don't seem to do anything - not live or earth and have no connection when the horn is pressed. When I press the horn, I get a connection between the inner and outer steering columns, so that bit seems OK. I have read that there should be a jumper between the sides of the steering coupler but I can't find evidence there was one. Questions: Where does the column brown wire go? I can't find the other end. Does the return from the horn attach to the outer column to complete the circuit? I can't find a tab. Any idea what the two extra brown wires are that some Muppet has cut off underneath? Cheers
what sort of stalks do you have if they look like this then its a late and as per my instructions If its like this its early and s like the diagrams below
Thanks I have an early .bay stalk. Looks like I am missing the spade connector from the horn to the outer part of the column. I will double-check the horn push wire.
Ropey old horns draw quiet a current so make sure that both sides of the circuit have clean connections. You could fit a relay on the earth side if it is lacking oomph .. I did and can now use air horns with an on on switch for the standard horn.
Anyone know where i can get some of the plastic insulators that stop the horn push shorting on the screws. Thanks Sam Sent from my ELE-L09 using Tapatalk