FOR SALE Hob, Fridge, Petrol tank, LHD gear lever

Discussion in 'Late Bay Parts Classifieds' started by Keith.H, Mar 3, 2013.

  1. Gas hob / Sink £20

    Fridge, Electolux, Tatty but working on 12v and mains, untested on gas £10

    Petrol tank, treated rust patches on the outside, filled with water overnight, no leaks so far £20

    LHD gear stick £5

    In the next week or so there will be a LHD dash in reasonable condition
    Apart from the gear lever COLLECTION ONLY ox18 area
  2. would you be going to the volksworld show, i would like that hob/sink please.
  3. davidoft

    davidoft Sponsor

  4. Sorry not going but I'm willing to pass it on if you know anyone going past me
  5. how far are you from Oxford services near Wheatley- im meeting oscer with an engine there on the way down (sat T time)
    thanks pau
  6. Im right on the A40 midway between Ox and Cheltenham so about 20 miles from Oxford
  7. Like the hob and fridge..... whats the damage?
  8. Give you £40 if you can send it by currier?
  9. i will pm you.
  10. Hob now sold
  11. JT1



    do you have a picture of your dash as mine's a bit rough!

  12. I put the dash on another thread and its gone, sorry

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