Ho Hum

Discussion in 'General Discussion' started by Sir Arthur, May 3, 2012.

  1. Today was the day that my van was meant to fly through its MOT and return to its rightful place behind my house.

    Instead its sitting in an Essex industrial estate with a dead gearbox. Yes, the box is properly kippered and only a recon can save it now. On top of that the Propex from the group buy was DOA and the circuit board has been sent back to Propex Towers to have the fuse changed (a repair that has to be done by them - apparently they interrupted Danny on the phone to say "it's a fuse - loads of the new ones have that problem"). Looks like the end of May before I get the van back, which is annoying as it was needed as both a spare bedroom and a six-seater transport for the next few weeks.

    I'd always counted myself lucky that while I read other people's tales of expensive woe my van just chugged on happily. Now the chickens have come home to roost just when its required to do a job. Still, at least the weather's nice...
  2. rickyrooo1

    rickyrooo1 Hanging round like a bad smell

    oooh not good matey......hope you sort it soon, must check my propex then!

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