Hi Every1

Discussion in 'Introduce Yourselves' started by Oxide Devil, Feb 19, 2013.

  1. Hi Everyone

    Thanks for letting me join. It took about 6 months mind, before the passwords changed. (I got barred before I joined, somehow?)

    Anyway, I have been around the seen since b4 I was born. The old man has had Beetles since the early 70's and still got 2 to this day, (62 1200 deluxe & 74 1303S). My first motor was a 73 1200a that was pulled from a barn and had maggots in it. Loads of friends at the time had various vans and beetles in various states of repair in the late 80's and 90's, with me doing most of the repairs.

    As it normally is, drifted in and out of the scene over the next 20 years or so, until the girlfriend and I decided to move to Ireland for 6 months for her work. So, what better way to do it than in a VW wright?

    So, to cut a really long story short, bought / won an intact wreck on ?bay cheap. But, what is cheap these days? Got it MOTed, just! Then drove it around Ireland for 6 months and then took it through most of western Europe. Have covered about 25 000 kM in the last two years, without too many issues. And, yes it's a left hooker.

    It's a VW wright? Can do anything, go anywhere. Even if it is two tone red oxide and hand painted bogey green with cork tiles glued to the headlining! I said it was cheap didn't I?

    For a laugh, here are some pics of the day I picked it up. There is more red oxide than bogey green these days.


    Nice interior - have to love those cork tiles and purple covers!


    Hope to see you all around and keep on driving.
  2. luuuuuuuvvvly
  3. Welcome aboard, you certainly know how to make an entrance! Sounds like you have already had some adventures in your bus, I look forward to hearing them. Get some more pics up of your bus & of your adventures...

  4. MorkC68

    MorkC68 Administrator

    welcome aboard!
  5. Nice bus! I quite like the cork ;)
  6. Welcome ,love it :)
  7. Welcome aboard! Friend!
  8. Welcome :)

    Great bus looks like its got an interesting history :) x
  9. ITHINK IT LOOKS GRT :thumbsup:
  10. Hello and welcome
  11. Cork because you went to Ireland !
    Welcome to TLB and try not to get barred again ;-)
  12. Terrordales

    Terrordales Nightshift

    Hello & Welcome from The Colonial Contingent :)
  13. :) Hi oxide devil and welcome to TLB. I love the cork too. Keep it on-it's hellish to scrape off ;)
    I had cork tiles on the bathroom floor and it took about 5 months to scrape off.
  14. Loving the radical colours! Welcome along!
  15. Hi Every1
    thanks allot for the welcomes and the nods about my colour schemes the cork tiles. I am sure that stuff will be hellish to get off, whenever I feel brave enough to attempt it. Anyone got any good ideas on how to remove the solid glue? I have no idea how long those tiles have been up there. All ideas appreciated.
  16. bernjb56

    bernjb56 Supporter

    Welcome along - love it. Stand out in the crowd :cool:
  17. matty

    matty Supporter

    nice van and nouthing wroung with cork its what i put on the floor of mine
  18. welcome to TLB :)

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