Heston - Barking mad or genius

Discussion in 'General Discussion' started by Diddymen, Dec 4, 2012.

  1. Any one been watching Hestons fantastical food?

    I've caught bits of some of his programs before and thought whats the point?

    but I've started watching Hestons fantastical food ......and I still think whats the point?.....but perhapse that is the point?

    I'm not a 'foodie' and not too keen on cooking programmes but I've been really enjoying this, so perhapse that is what he is trying to do, get more people excited about food

    the way his mad brained ideas have brought a bit of magic into food and bought comunities together, his child like interest in experimenting with food and trying out things which no one seems to have though of before - I mean, a pub in a pie !!! :eek: .....mad!! but also exciting ;D ............the worlds biggest dunking biscuit .......amazing ;D, the giant packet of rolo's .....yumm!

    he has been combining that child like inquisitive with cutting edge investigations like subjecting a biscuit to an MRI scan to see what happens when you dunk it in a cuppa.....and scientifically proving biscuits taste better when dunked ^-^
  2. barking, but its clever :eek:
  3. dog

    dog Tea Boy

    yeah, bit of both
    i love it!
  4. yep - he's 50/50 .... a great inspiration ....
  5. Nut nut
  6. Terrordales

    Terrordales Nightshift

    Like all genius' he's halfway way to total insanity. :thinking:
  7. Zed

    Zed Gradually getting grumpier

  8. Is it just me or does his specs look freaky?
  9. bonkers
  10. Genius and a money maker waited 6mths for a table and started at £180 per person. He doesn't just sell food he sells you an experience to go with the food with a different take on everything. Believe have spent years mastering classical French cookery for this fool to change the text book :)
  11. I watched the 1st one where he made a giants breakfast and thought it was stupid :(
  12. Sometimes it's just about making people talk and just think about food and how it unites people first episode was about how people have become robots and unsociable /-)
  13. Tuesday wildchild

    Tuesday wildchild I'm a circle!

    He is the NASA of food coming up with solutions and ideas which when broke down into there single components are useful for us all to enjoy.

    And yrs he is mad as a box of fogs.
  14. He gets bored easily and likes trying new stuff out. The fact that he can get paid for experimenting is great for him. I rate him as a chef based on comments about his food, but the giant breakfast stuff really isn't that interesting.
  15. The real question is what could he come up with in a camper that's the real challenge that he's missed :)
  16. I love Heston's crazy food experiments for the spectacle

    We ate at his Little Chef on the A303 when he revamped it for a TV show - tasty.

    Saying that - we did watch some of his 'how to cook like Heston at home' show the other year and picked up a few great tips such as making a gorgeous cheese sauce and turning a steak every 15 seconds to make it as tender as possible - I've now had reduced ribeye that I cooked this way that was beautiful whereas before it would be tough...
  17. He's awesome... he's making everything like willy wonka and the chocolate factory... makes things that completely trick your senses and muddles up the ordinary...

    I'd pay good money to eat a heston meal... it would be amazing...


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