Help keep Britian tidy

Discussion in 'General Discussion' started by marowak, Aug 1, 2012.

  1. Following previous posts on TLB I decided to start investigating ways to help educate people and - keep Britain tidy.

    My search took me to eBay and lead me to find and purchase the below beer mats from the 70s.


    I'm sure you will agree they will certainly help!
  2. Excellent they should bring that campaign back!
  3. I may scan them and poster them around the village
  4. i really thought there would be more interest in these ...
  5. Probably says something about us :thinking:
  6. Is she drinking wife beater!?

    And now I'm confused should I put the beer mat in the same bin as the can or or or or or just look at the pretty lady!?


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