Hello again from the Tennessee FNG!

Discussion in 'Introduce Yourselves' started by TheWhingnut, Sep 1, 2011.

  1. Hi everyone i'd thought i would say hello again! i've been wrenching on the 78 7pass Bus, got about everything to assemble her and put her on the road less the interior and rust repair! all i have left for the engine is to replace the valve guides! 2.0L w/ dual carbs, no Distributor, 091 trans and a lot of luck! Pics to follow!
  2. welcome back mate :D
  3. hailfrank

    hailfrank Admin esq.

    welcome again :)
  4. MorkC68

    MorkC68 Administrator

    welcome back to tlb v3!!
  5. Can someone tell me how to post a picture with this website? or is there a thread for it?
  6. Hello......... I'll find a link for you..
  7. dog

    dog Tea Boy

    welcome along/back ;)
  8. So you guys know i bought a 900 dollar 78 7 passenger microbus with the engine and transaxle 40ft away from it. i bought it for my wife so this and all threads for the Blue Bunny Express are done to teach her how to work on a car.

    here are some pictures!
    the engine after rebuild and my wife painting her engine tin.
  9. Glad to see you back dude
  10. Welcome back mate.

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