Happy St Georges Day

Discussion in 'General Discussion' started by Woodylubber, Apr 23, 2012.

  1. Woodylubber

    Woodylubber Obsessive compulsive name changer

    About time more was made of this I reckon :)
  2. Indeed

    Happy saint Georges day everyone
  3. Happy st Georges day indeed
  4. I went into a local pub yesterday and I over heard a bloke ask the bar man if he was putting up decorations for St Georges day, the barman said no why should I.
    Pretty sad state of affairs when we have more English celebrate St Paddys day than our our.

  5. have a good day one and all owen nw :eek: ;) how do ye celibrate it ?
  6. hailfrank

    hailfrank Admin esq.

    We don't really as majority of people have no idea when it is.
    Sad really.

    Happy st George's day
  7. At least the kids got to go to school in their Cubs uniforms.
  8. MorkC68

    MorkC68 Administrator

    Happy St Georges day everyone!
  9. Bet our George wants to celebrate it lol
  10. As a proud Scottie I fly a Saltire from my ariel mast every day,but today as a mark of respect to my English wife and children I have lowered the mast and attached the flag of St George, so on with the merrymaking and a happy St Georges day to fellow campervan enthusiasts who celebrate today in the following countries of England,Hungary,Lebanon,Syria,Spain,Canada,Georgia,Bulgaria,Serbia,Bosnia and Herzegovina,Albania and Kosovo and Russia. If you are out and about in your ride today and are feeling a wee bit patriotic try shouting out Shakespeare's words on your next overtaking manoeuvre "Follow your spirit, and upon this charge" Cry "God for Harry,England and Saint George"it wont get you there any faster but you might feel happier for trying and doing your bit for St George.
  11. Pleased to report that the whole of Clitheroe high street is decked in George Cross flags. All of the shops have them and the castle is flying the George Flag as well. I'll try and get a photo later.

    Happy St George's day - I'm off to celebrate with a Chorley cake!
  12. rickyrooo1

    rickyrooo1 Hanging round like a bad smell

    st georges day 2006 was the last time i played a gig in my old band...jeez how time flies, not picked up the bass since.
    anyway happy st. georges day to all men who brave the dragon :lol:
  13. Perhaps HippyRichie could come up with a special St George's Day recipe for Lance Roast Jerk Dragon?
  14. ways to celebrate st georges day

    1 go dragon hunting
    2 make the dragon recipe off big cook little cook
    3 pretend to be a dragon and set fire to things with a blow torch
    4 make flag biscuits
    5 face paint your face into a flag

  15. [​IMG]

    Happy St Georges Day all :tophat:
  16. Woodylubber

    Woodylubber Obsessive compulsive name changer


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