Guessing Game! (I like JC even more now!)

Discussion in 'General Discussion' started by SweeneyTodd, May 24, 2017.

  1. Terrordales

    Terrordales Nightshift

    SweeneyTodd and snotty like this.
  2. Penis?
  3. Pudelwagen

    Pudelwagen Supporter

    Jeremy is quite a posh name so I'll guess Aloysius.
    snotty and SweeneyTodd like this.
  4. I've got it.

    Is it dinosaur?
    snotty likes this.
  5. Apple
    Keep Britain tidy !
    That's what his mum said :D
    snotty likes this.
  6. I know I know

    cycle clips

    upload_2017-5-25_8-37-59.png upload_2017-5-25_8-37-59.png
    snotty likes this.
  7. Surely it must be Shirley':hattip:
  8. bernjb56

    bernjb56 Supporter

    The Sugar Puff Bear
    snotty likes this.
  9. Its either Comrade, or he doesn't have one as having three names is an necessary waste of resources, typified by the wasteful elite.
    Merlin Cat, snotty and chad like this.
  10. Barry Haynes

    Barry Haynes I dance in leopard skin mankini’s

    SweeneyTodd likes this.
  11. rusty?
    start you b******?
  12. Jeremy avoids sugar and recommends that we all do the same.
  13. JT1


    Aloysius is also his first name.

  14. Could be a saint well, only on paper. Ask Miss Diane, if she can remember her figures that is
    snotty and chad like this.
  15. bernjb56

    bernjb56 Supporter

    That was as polite as I could bring myself to be.
    snotty likes this.
  16. scrooge95

    scrooge95 Moderator and piggy bank keeper

    snotty likes this.
  17. Moons

    Moons Supporter


    Trouser Torpedo

    The Solution

    Any of the above would either thrill or delight me.
    scrooge95, rustbucket and snotty like this.
  18. Is it Jeremy Che Fidel Hugo Corbyn?
    scrooge95 likes this.
  19. Moons

    Moons Supporter

    That's a Home Counties child's given name, the son of an ardent football supporter.
    snotty likes this.
  20. I must have one :thumbsup:!


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