Guess the weight....of baghead

Discussion in 'General Discussion' started by moominbus, Sep 28, 2012.

  1. Hi folks,
    What do you reckon a front beam weighs? Can I lift one (I'm on the lean side of skinny with arms to match but I can bench press a large toddler!)?

    I've had an offer of one up north, now I'm thinking 'How am I going to shift the thing'? Anyone know of a super cheap courier who loves shifting unwieldy goods?
  2. Where is it .how far up North
  3. Up in Doncaster, I'm in Stroud, Glos.

    My bus just failed it's M.O.T so I'm wondering if I can fit the beam in my little car with the seats
    down and the passenger seat removed and whether I can lift it in in the first place!
    I once heard that a guy put on his C.V for a job 'I can lift more than it looks like I can lift'. I'd say
    that was true for me too, but I'm not exactly the incredible hulk!!
  4. Just for the record, I made no reference to baghead in my subject header - I've been edited!
  5. OK well a beam is easy to pick up

    A beam with the arms and steering knuckles on you'd pick up on your own to put in your van but you wouldn't want to carry it too far

    A beam with arms, steering knuckles, discs, calipers, shocks and steering damper on (i.e. how it'd drop from a bus) you'd need to phone a friend :)

    How's that?
  7. Cheers all, thats what I wanted to know.
  8. Poptop2

    Poptop2 Administrator

  9. dog

    dog Tea Boy

    defo get it in your car mate, i took mine off dragged it out and lifted it onto work stands on my own
    is yours not fixable?
  10. It isn't so much that it's not fixable, the fail(s) was for the suspension components but I want a standard beam as the lowered one I have is driving me nuts. Its cut and turned and has previous repairs, so I'm just going to build the suspension components onto a beam I actually want to keep.
    Thanks for the replies, the pallet route looks good Poptop2.
  11. dog

    dog Tea Boy

    fair enough mate! at least you'll be able to sell your old one to finance the new.
    be wary of buying a new beam unseen though. my solid rust free beam was full of holes once i removed all the crud :(

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