Full beam light

Discussion in 'Mech Tech' started by dubmeister, Oct 16, 2012.

  1. My blue light on the dash doesn't come on when I switch to full beam, the bulb is ok, can't think of anything else to do, my garage told me this will be an MOT fail as of next year, battery, oil and indicators are all ok, anyone any ideas ??
  2. rickyrooo1

    rickyrooo1 Hanging round like a bad smell

    the earth for the bulb holder is the binacle itself, make sure the tangs are touching and all clean, test you actually have a feed to the wire with a meter, if not then i 'guess' it picks up the feed from the relay/main beam light, you'll just have to trace it.
  3. And from experience of same , if bulb holder is "sloppy" in its fitting , replace it and the bulb , ensuring that although you are fitting new bulb the new bulb is a "go er !" (me been caught by that one before i.e. its new it can"t be faulty !!!)
  4. Ok guys thanks for the advice on that one, will check the bulb is earthing properly to the binnacle, will also check the relay :)

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