French Translation & Single wheel trailer Question

Discussion in 'General Discussion' started by PIE, Nov 8, 2020.

  1. Merlin Cat

    Merlin Cat Moderator

  2. Salute,what part of France are you ?
  3. Belgium
  4. mikedjames

    mikedjames Supporter

    That was in the owners prologue..I think he had persuaded himself it was stiff enough without needing the attachments..
    But with the right load in the back that almost certainly will oscillate wildly as the whole structure twists back and forward round the axis of the tow bar, and the wheel goes off to one side, turns as it starts to come up on an edge then flies back the other way..
    The two side bars will stop that twisting as well as helping with the trailer not swinging from side to side.

    Given the kind of load it can carry, a cycle carrier style box hanging off a standard towbar with rigid fixings either end is probably as good. Just leave out the wheel and suspension completely.

    All in all , the simplicity and stability of a two wheel trailer is probably why we dont see these any more.
    It was probably a taxation thing based on the number of wheels on the ground that led to the use of that design..
    Last edited: Nov 11, 2020
  5. PIE


    It was for reversing, they were quite common in the 50s, 60s they lost favour as the larger ones, [I have one on my bay] have revolving wheels and a a pig to move around single handed when not on the vehicle.
  6. PIE


    They did loads, Eoro and US
    mikedjames likes this.
  7. mikedjames

    mikedjames Supporter

    I see one major disadvantage is the speed limit - this is probably about the point where fast, violent snaking type oscillations start up as the single wheel trailer at 45mph does the equivalent of the Harley-Davidson tank-slapper at 70mph..

    Still, I think its a cool retro bit of kit. Just dont overload it, take it easy and it will be OK. And its not big enough to do the kind of car-trashing that a mis-loaded caravan does when it starts snaking..
  8. PIE


    You are not limited to normal trailer speed limits as its counted as a vehicle extension so you can do 70 mph,,,,,,,,,,,,,chance would be a fine thing!!
  9. mikedjames

    mikedjames Supporter

    Fit airfoils on the underside, so it lifts off the road surface above 60 and hangs behind the really freak out cars behind you.
    PIE likes this.
  10. Poptop2

    Poptop2 Administrator

    Above 60? :chewie:
  11. PIE


    I have started a restoration thread on the thing

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