Folding seat from Krankenwagen

Discussion in 'Late Bay Parts Classifieds' started by nimrodihnio, Jun 21, 2012.

  1. In reasonably good condition, vinyl in very good condition and the seat is firm. No rust on the springs underneath but as you can see the metalwork could do a with a rubdown and paint or keep its patina.
    It comes with all the original fixings from a 1972 Krankenwagen.
    Collect from South West London, cash or paypal
  2. That looks pretty cool.

    Any chance I could get some dims or pop over as might like this to buy and fit in my Westy (am just in Kingston)
  3. yes of course I am in this afternoon will pm my number and address
  4. Mattp, have messaged you with my number bit its not showing in sent items is it showing in yours? let me know when you want to have a look.

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