Flu jabs

Discussion in 'General Discussion' started by Soggz, Sep 3, 2020.

  1. Soggz

    Soggz Supporter

    Now they are free, apparently, for the 50+ groups.
    You all getting one to help your immune systems this year?
    Just asking, as I have never had one, until jan 17th of this year.
    Normally, most years, due to my outside job, and sweating in the cold weather, I usually come down with some sort of chest infection and they give me 300mg of some sort of drug, and I’m cured in about a week.
    I had the injection, £6.99 from Asda pharmacy, which covered 4 strains of flu this year, and never got a chest infection...


    Around halfway through Feb, I felt knocked out for about 2 days, then, around March, my eldest came home with a constant, but not rough, cough. Week or so later, my youngest, started coughing, but a lot worse, he gets hay fever and asthma, so the good told us to treat it like covid19. So we all quarantined for 2 weeks. (Thats the time I did all the welding under my van).
    Ironically, my middle son, stayed in his room pretty much all of the time, on his xbox, for literally weeks, as school was closed, but he never got anything!
    I’m guessing that the jab worked for the flu, but did we get covid19?
    My wife started work at a school around feb, and pretty much ALL the children were off with high temps, but we’re ALL back, 2/3 days later.
    A few days later, a nursery, literally down the road from the school, had the same thing. All the kids off, with a temp, but back, a few days later!
  2. I had one a few years ago(the job I was on meant I could get it even though I was only 34), I genuinely haven't had flu since or ever been particularly ill since. Could be a coincidence

    Sent from my Pixel 4 using Tapatalk
    Soggz and Merlin Cat like this.
  3. Barry Haynes

    Barry Haynes I dance in leopard skin mankini’s

    I'm too young :rolleyes:
    Jack Tatty, snotty, Soggz and 2 others like this.
  4. Betty the Bay

    Betty the Bay Supporter

    And delusional.
  5. Betty the Bay

    Betty the Bay Supporter

    Never had one ( and I am old enough) and to the best of my knowledge not had flu in years...think last time was probably at school.
    Presently undecided.
  6. bernjb56

    bernjb56 Supporter

    The vaccine is based on the previous year’s strains so is not going to cover for all of the new season, but will reduce the likelihood of contracting flu substantially. I have one every year because I’m high risk - easy enough to get it done. I can’t see why people wouldn’t - it’s going to be a challenging winter.
  7. Zed

    Zed Gradually getting grumpier

    The reason I don't have them is that I haven't had flu for 40-50 years anyway. However if I do get it at some point I'll probably get the jab ever after.
    cunny44 likes this.
  8. I have one every year. But our doc hasn’t started yet this year.
    Meltman likes this.
  9. Only had one jab about 15 years - felt rotten for a week after - not had one since.
    But I did survive the Asian flu in 1957/8 though
    Soggz, Lasty and Zed like this.
  10. have one for years, having asthma I am classed as high risk.
    Not had any flu or symptoms for years, this year being on chemo I am even higher risk so will definitely have one and if a covid jab come along this winter I would have that too
    After being used as a pin cushion in the Army i dont mind jabs and some places I visited those jabs saved me having problems.
    Lasty likes this.
  11. i get one free from work, have has this for the last 5 yrs or so. i used to get ill with proper flu every year - never had it since i started getting the jab

    in the last 5 yrs i've only had one instance where it made me feel lousy - and that was only for a short time.
    CollyP likes this.
  12. Norris

    Norris Supporter

    We used to get them free where I used to work. Never had any issues with them. I'll be getting one this year too as I'm over 50

    As for the illness back in February, well that knocked me for 6 for a couple of days. Dunno what it was, but probably too early for covid
    rob.e likes this.
  13. They think the earliest recorded or suspected Covid case was December 19
    Betty the Bay and Coda like this.
  14. Poor old fella ;). You'll be "having a fall" next...
    Jack Tatty, Merlin Cat and Dubs like this.
  15. Dubs

    Dubs Sponsor supporter extraordinaire

    You lot are all fairies... never as much as a snivvle here in 50 years, and non of this jabbing nonsense either.. :thumbsup:(although I might be tempted by a covid jab if it ever appears)
    Datsolow and snotty like this.
  16. I have never had the jab of any sort without any issues. I work outside in all weather as a builder.There was some sort of flue type bug in February a few of my gang had it but we all worked on .
    Until this covid jab has been tested properly I’m out and even then maybe out out !

    Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
    Soggz and snotty like this.
  17. Just after Christmas this year I came down with something like covid 19 ,loss of taste everything tasted foul ,loss of appetite and continual cough until I hardly breath for coughing .I will have a flu jab this year ,I have had flu twice in the last few years
    snotty likes this.
  18. A couple of folk I know had the same. Deffo was around early in the year.
  19. Same here.
  20. Betty the Bay

    Betty the Bay Supporter

    I'm convinced I had it over Christmas and New Year..... never had anything like it and had the loss of taste smell, well before it was added to the list of symptoms.
    Eventually went to doctors after 3 weeks and he just laughed and said that I should have had flu jab.
    It wasn't flu ..... it was even worse than man flu.
    Tilly and snotty like this.

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