flight traker

Discussion in 'General Discussion' started by matty, Oct 24, 2012.

  1. matty

    matty Supporter

  2. Sadly addictive.
  3. matty

    matty Supporter

    I know i keep looking out of the window

    Have some K for putting me on 100k
  4. I just tracked the one going over our house :eek: Bit scarey really but still we are all being watched one way or another ;)
  6. we used some kind of internet flight tracker my son found to track my other half going to new york......we watched it 'land' so to speak it was cool.

    there is a shipping one too and when we imported a van from california we were given details of the shipper of the container ship and tracked it to Liverpool.

    Its funny cos the only time we lost the container was between Liverpool and an agent in Park Royal, Acton....there was a point when theshippers did'nt know where it was. ::)

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