fabricating a metal frame

Discussion in 'General Discussion' started by volkswombat, Apr 29, 2015.

  1. If you weren't so far away I'd be up for helping with this. So many ideas but not sure what you want exactly. Is it a bed for kids and if so how big a bed do they need now?
    volkswombat likes this.
  2. Nowt wrong with it. Not being funny but the super 6 roofs do come up from time to time. As for yours, it's more adaptable than most and akin to the Devon. Just needs modding.
  3. Got rid of Viking interior, now just full width r n r, units to follow at some point
  4. S
    so you would probably want the roof bed to e rear so you have space to stand at the front. Would suggest that way you can only really get a 5 foot ish bed if you want 2 foot of standing room at the front but you'd need to utilise the rear shelf.
    volkswombat likes this.
  5. i think my brains in overdrive on this one.
    volkswombat likes this.
  6. Primarily for my kids , 5 and 3, but want to maximise bed size up there just because the space is there! Also good to have option of adults up top too
    Dicky likes this.
  7. Spent an hour yesterday looking at it and an hour tonight, just made my head hurt!
    You got some good ideas there, thanks a lot
    Dicky likes this.
  8. Definitely doable. The bed I put in mine did my girls fine for a good few years. It wasn't perfect but did the job well. Mine was a westy with that roof fitted so I never had the benefit of the larger cut out which would have made things easier I think. Just think about which end it needs to be ie wher you want the gap to get up and down. Safer in a way for that to be over the Rock and roll bed and easier to get up and down and would be a bigger gap but I like a space to stand up in and also if the beds at the rear you can put your luggage on he front cot out of the way. For now you could have a short bed and they could sleep widthways or longways.
  9. [​IMG]
  10. Is is one of those 2 o'clock in the morning worse for wear problem solvin sessions eh! Think we've been here before nest pas!
    vanorak likes this.
  11. pass me the Chrissues....:D
    Dicky likes this.
  12. I half understand what VW's thinking to do.....

    make up a bed board that extends in two directions lengthways and width ways.....is that right?
    volkswombat likes this.
  13. The very fellow
  14. [​IMG]


    Personally, I'd go with something simple:
    • Two pair of bunk type supports slot cut into the side uprights spanning across the width of the van, front and rear
    • two removeable struts dropped into the supports
    • one large bed board cut to suit the aperture when the roof's down
    • one extension board
    • board edge rebated where they join

    or a hammock
    Last edited: Apr 30, 2015
  15. ...or a futon (ie a pallet).
  16. That is correct, Think I've sussed it now, using @Dicky s. Hammock idea. Put them back in today and had a think about. Got another plan .......
    Dicky likes this.
  17. Any ideas of a lightweight alternative to 18 mm ply to use for bed boards?
    That I don't need to remortgage for!
  18. @PIE used some sort of modern light weight board i think
  19. Yeah I found that , varioline, hundred quid a sheet though plus £70 / £80 del.
  20. Ouch

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