European Bug in

Discussion in 'Shows Events You've Missed unless you went' started by sjhjoinery, May 7, 2013.

  1. Dover to dunkirk is the better ferry less miles then the other side of the pond. ;)
  2. Looks like the ferry back on monday 2pm will be full of VW's only..!! :cool:

    We go out wed 2pm and back monday 2pm..!! Can't wait, 1st european road trip and longest in van to date...!! :)
    sjhjoinery likes this.
  3. I have the same crossings booked! Gonna be an epic weekend this!
    sjhjoinery likes this.
  4. Only 5 more sleeps to go!
    sjhjoinery likes this.
  5. Where's everyone travelling from? Any convoys taking place? Im coming from Reading
    sjhjoinery likes this.
  6. We're driving down from the midlands on Wednesday night and camping at Dover, so far as long as I know it's me and 1 other van in our convoy although I think there is more on the ferry meeting us!
    CSI_Will have you got a cb radio?
  7. Thats cool. Not decided yet whether Im travelling down Weds night and camping over in Dover or just heading straight down early Thursday morning. Dont have a CB radio I'm afraid! Will hafta catch up on the ferry and get a convoy going on the other side!
  8. Ah ok, just easier to communicate with one.
    Yep for us it's easier to do Wednesday night then Thursday morning, will defo catch up on the ferry, and i'm sure you'll be fine in our convoy! we're in a high top red and white T25 and I'm easy to spot as I'm currently rocking a handlebar tache
    CSI_Will likes this.
  9. Mighty fine looking moustache sir, must say old chap!

    Haha, now look what you've done. You've got me looking at CB radios on eBay now! Well i'll most likely be donning my festival/drinking hat as usual and i'll be in the bright yellow bay with welsh flag sticker on back.


    I'll obviously be more sober than this on the ferry though!
    sjhjoinery likes this.
  10. Hopefully not sober for too long once there!!

    Now that is a superb festival hat!

    Now am am all excited only 3 more sleeps yay!!!
  11. CSI_Will just a heads up they have showers there, you may know but I was blissfully unaware!!!
    Oh and only one more day till we're leaving!!!!'
  12. The time is almost here!! Woop woop!

    Wasnt aware of the showers... Thanks for the headsup as I was gonna take a crate of baby wipes with me!

    Where u camping tomorrow night?
    sjhjoinery likes this.
  13. I think I am on the 1am tunnel crossing thursday
    sjhjoinery likes this.
  14. Dunno my number is 07952291670 text me so I have your number and I can let you know we won't be down till between 9-10 though
  15. There's a large group of us on the 2am Thursday crossing Dover to Dunkirk
    sjhjoinery likes this.
  16. Josh_JK

    Josh_JK Sponsor

    I'll be there! :D

    To say I'm excited would be an understatement :oops:
    The JK Bay will be making the trip (she's an prototype bay though - sorry!) as will a few members of the JK Team, so if you spot me wandering around with a JK shirt and a camera feel free to stop me for a chat, it'd be great to put some faces to some names :)

    sjhjoinery likes this.
  17. Safe journey folks!

    Im a man down and have a spare ticket so if anyone needs one gimme a shout and I can meet you at the gate with ticket. Will sell at €50 (price paid).

    Tickets being sold at the gate are €60 euro, so you'll make a saving!
    sjhjoinery likes this.
  18. I'm excited, Only 3 hours till I leave, Can't fricking wait!!
    CSI_Will likes this.
  19. Up at 5am tmrw morning and cruising over with 41 other vehicles. :thumbsup: Think we are on the 9am or 10am ferry to Calais.
    Hopefully bump into you guys at some point. If you see me by my bus come and say Hi.
    sjhjoinery and CSI_Will like this.
  20. Have a safe journey down. Likewise, give us a wave!

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