engine tin type 4 .2.0litre

Discussion in 'Late Bay Parts Classifieds' started by vwxyz, Oct 1, 2012.

  1. Hi ,
    I'm after one piece of engine tin wear for a 2.0 type 4 .
    Near side engine tin under engine covering push rod tubes
    Between heat ex and engine block .

    Same asthis


    Pm or 077 73062041

  2. They are rare as rocking horse do do. Good luck with you search.
  3. Hi i have a few ;)
  4. How much a piece monkey?
  5. im sorted now ,

    WHAT is it with people hijacking on my threads ,body rock ??!!!! :mad:
    if you want to ask him ? pm him ...
  6. Terribly sorry dear chap. Calm yourself down or you'll bust a vain. :thumbsup:

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