End Float?!

Discussion in 'Mech Tech' started by mattw, Feb 16, 2013.

  1. Hi all,

    I finally got my flywheel off yesterday using the Torque Master tool.

    I then tried to remove the main oil seal by using a screwdriver against the dowel pins as leverage.

    The problem was, as I put pressure against the dowel pins, the whole assembly (maybe the whole crank) was pushed inwards. Is this normal or a sign of excessive end float?

    Cheers, Matt
  2. Completely normal, you can't measure endfloat unless the flywheel is fitted.

    Refit, once you've removed the seal, and then check the endfloat.
  3. MorkC68

    MorkC68 Administrator

    You'll need two people (one to hold the engine firm if its out of the vehicle & t'other to move the crank) and a dial test indicator to measure said end float - works a treat, we did lowies this way a couple of months ago!
  4. Thanks guys, glad I don't need to panic!

    I did check the end float when the engine was in the car by pulling on the crank pulley and it didn't seem to move at all :)

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