el presidente accepts hes an old fart??

Discussion in 'General Discussion' started by Barneyrubble, Jan 6, 2013.

  1. As requested by plop the founder member of MOTTLBOFC urrm i fink thats it ;D . Id like to wonder why you all picked on me ??? ta be your el presidente ?. After my recent scare it touched me what a caring bunch of *****s you all are ;D, but also made me realise some just cant wait to see the back of you :eek: being an old fart amoungst so many fit and virile young folk has its pitfalls :- but many advantages too. I have experience in many things ,and as my elders used to say to me ,your never to old as long as the wallet is big :- . Great place ,great people , some with great sense of humour , some with great knowledge of their parts and other peoples parts too :eek:. Becoming an old fart creeps up on you , but if you have children and grandchildren too. ::) you soon have to learn the new ways innit,bruv. I like to think i have masterd the lingo fa bingo now too yo ,if ya get me drift like. Anyway i wont dribble on i was arsed ta doit by old farter portaloo champ so welcome ta the old farts everyone ,you know ow ya ar ,if not we will smell ya cumin.
    Weee ll be avin some farty outings hopefully in the buses and not the ambuuulunces ::). If theirs anyfing you wana arsk abart ya bus arsk zed first saves lota peein about ;). That young wipper lad up norfs quite good to ,and is names easy ta remember coz its weed in. Ez just shot is lot though so dont expect im ta be sa available to us olduns :).Any way betta go for i get mods onta me coz im a rock er small stone short of a marbles. And before you fink im mad just remember spike milligan was ee ???. Enjoy the club ,we will have a laugh im sure , if youve got any unusual events you want to share or tips you want ta give the youngsters fire away.....................................................thats all for now coz my bluddy arm n finga ache ,wheres the blinkin spell check button gon n all you admins n wheres our badges n stuff ;D Sorry its not up to plops length n standard ,but they have a lotta books ta learn from in them laybys dunt they ;). Ps, can someone make sure theyve all got their badgez on be4 the next meat inn. Fanku all :praise: :hattip:
  2. Poptop2

    Poptop2 Administrator

    Thank you El presidenti , may i be the first to ask you what you said ? .
  4. Badge wot badge is that then ,is it a fart badge or does it say something girly
  6. Terrordales

    Terrordales Nightshift

    Well said El Presidente.

    I presume there'll but a translation available soon for us in the colonies >:D
  7. Poptop2

    Poptop2 Administrator

    picture of a old late bay and maybe just the letters " MOTTLBOFC " below the picture innit ?
  10. Poptop2

    Poptop2 Administrator

    Maybe Marc or Bev will do us a sticker if we give them a bell ?
  12. dog

    dog Tea Boy

    eh ???
  15. Poptop2

    Poptop2 Administrator

    You aint a old fart yet Dog so you wouldn't understand innit ;)
  16. dog

    dog Tea Boy

  17. Poptop2

    Poptop2 Administrator

    Has anyone translated El Presidenti's speech yet ?

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