WANTED Early seat covers? Old knackered ones.

Discussion in 'Late Bay Parts Classifieds' started by carlperkins001, Sep 27, 2013.

  1. Poptop2 generously donated me some late seat covers so I could upholster my seats.. But I've come to find out I've got early seats :/.

    So I'm after some old knackered early seat covers that I can use as templates.

    And I also have a pair of late seat covers free of charge if anyone needs them. Just cover postage.

    Let me know!
  2. Poptop2

    Poptop2 Administrator


  3. I know I was gutted! I got halfway through making them and then realised. I was doin well too, :/.
    Poptop2 likes this.
  4. Poptop2

    Poptop2 Administrator

    I bet you were. :(
  5. ?? C'maaan I know we're late bayers but still.. Lol
  6. Get on to a local upholsterer surely they have templates or old ones they won't mind your drawing round
  7. Yeah I've emailed a few but not heard back yet :/.
  8. Bump. Still need. Will consider the whole seats if they're going cheap enough
  9. Do you still have your late bay covers up for grabs please s if you have could I be considered for them please?? :) Mine had really 70s stretchy covers on them but I made the mistake of taking them off and discovering mine basically don't have covers!! o_O Luv XCX
  10. JamesLey

    JamesLey Sponsor

    Are the early covers the ones without a back on the passenger side? I'm hopefully going to be replacing my covers at some point so mine will be up for grabs. No idea when this is likely to be though as funds keep disappearing (damn wedding and starting to save for a house!).
  11. Nah sorry they're gone, only early covers left.
  12. I've got prototype bay seats I can put in so how much do you want for early covers please?? :)
  13. £8 for postage and some stuff to wrap it in?
  14. Cool... sounds like plan... how do I get money to you?? :) XCX

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