E- book readers

Discussion in 'General Discussion' started by Terrordales, Aug 28, 2012.

  1. Terrordales

    Terrordales Nightshift

    I'm toying with the idea of getting an e-book reader but not sure which one. :-
    I believe that the Amazon one can only be used with their books & not others, what are the best alternatives?
  2. I've got the Amazon Kindle - wasn't sure I even wanted a techno thingummy as I love books, even the feel of them. Have to say tho, it goes everywhere with me now - never had a problem with not finding a book I wanted and it's sooooo cheap in comparison with the paper versions. It's also good as it has 3G and I can use it for odd stuff like sending emails and facebook etc. What I really love is the fact that if someone tells me about a book I can download it there and then and start reading - fab contraptions.
  3. I have a Kindle 4 and really love it. You can downlosd free ebooks in the .azw format or you can ask amazon to convert it when you email it over. The screen size is good and so is the weight. I bought my wife a kobo from smiths which is also good and also has the benefit of being open format.
  4. I bought Mrs Mabel a kindle for our wedding anniversary two years ago - thats when our life d'amour ended..............
  5. bernjb56

    bernjb56 Supporter

    Kindle is great I reckon. So easy to get books. I love it that when I'm away I can just download something new to read :)
  6. Love my kindle and I *hear* that you can read books/files not from the kindle store if they're in .mobi format. You can just drag and drop files over when the kindle is plugged into your pc
  7. Oh and I have the free kindle app on my iPhone and it automatically syncs the last read page between the two
  8. I've been toying with the idea of getting one but for me I think I will miss the musty smell of a book and the turning of the page.
    Also I quite like being visually able to see how far through the book I am without just having it as a percentage.

    On the other side I would like the convenience, less storage space in my house needed and being able to hold it one handed on my side in bed without trying to hold the pages open.
  10. Terrordales

    Terrordales Nightshift

    While it will never replace my purchasing of books, it seems to make sense to have one for travelling & when we go away camping.
    Can you use the Kobo on Amazon?
    It does seem to look like the Kindle is the reader of choice.
  11. Moons

    Moons Guest

    Ive got the non 3G kindle, really good bit of kit...only thing I don't like is no back light.

    I'd also recommend getting a decent case, makes holding it a lot easier.
  12. I use the iPad for storing of books. Great for this as the battery
    Asts fo ages and can be used for everything else.

    Even posting this reply. Am currently reading the steve jobs biography. Defo recommend the ipad
  13. I'm yet to be convinced. As my dad said on Facebook the other day - "You can't swot a fly with a Kindle. Well, you can ... once." :lol:
  14. Jack Tatty

    Jack Tatty Supporter and teachers pet

    My brother's got a kindle and ok, its good. I just can't see the point though. I asked what he did with the books when he'd read them? I mean, you can't take an e-book to oxfam. Maybe there is a mechanism for exchanging e-books, does anyone know? There are very very few books I'll read more than once so they stay on my book shelf, and tbh, its very cheap to get yer books at oxfam or similar outlet anyway. Having said that, my brother swears by his kindle.
  15. Kindle Touch = puppies parts
  16. Kindle for me too. And when the battery runs out at a crucial time, I can carry on reading on my iPad. It just syncs to the furthest page read.
    Regarding the comment about no backlight, you can get little lamps that clip on 8)
  17. I acquired a DVD from an auction site with 4000 books.on it. I use calibre ebook manager to load my kindle

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